Adult School Concurrent Enrollment Info
Concurrent enrollment is an independent study program designed to assist students in earning credits needed to graduate from the high school in which they are currently enrolled. This is a voluntary program to aid in credit recovery for “at risk” students. This program is not mandatory and is being offered by the AUHSD Adult Education as an option to help meet the needs of the student.
Students are eligible to enroll concurrently with Anderson Adult School during their junior and senior years only. Classes must have been previously taken at their comprehensive high school and unsuccessfully completed.
- Juniors may enroll up to 15 credits per session.
- Seniors may enroll up to 15 credits per session.
Students are expected to keep their appointments and arrive with completed assignments. If a student misses an appointment it may affect their ability to successfully complete all credits they are enrolled in. To ensure students are able to receive necessary help or instruction from our teaching staff we ask that the student ensures they keep their appointments.
Students will be able to test one time per week. Sufficient time is allotted within our fall and spring sessions to ensure all credits may be completed. I have included a Concurrent Program session calendar. This outlines specifically the current sessions for the concurrent program only.
During the enrollment appointment a parent and their student will be asked to sign an Independent Study agreement. Students will be asked to pick a day and time they can come in to the adult school and test each week. Students will also receive the first assignment during this appointment. The Parent and their student will have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have of the teachers during that time.
We do allow students to complete work on site, if necessary, we do offer assistance as needed to all students.
It is the student’s responsibility to alert our teaching staff if there is a need for extra help or tutoring.
Counselors please follow these steps:
- Fill out needed information on the enrollment form for student, (i.e. Aeries Student ID and Course number).
- Please direct students to have the form signed by a parent or guardian and return completed forms to you.
- Give a copy to the student and keep a copy for your records.
- Fax the completed form to: 530-365-8440 or Email to
- Have the student/parent come to the Adult School for a 15-30 minute enrollment appointment, (both student and parent need to attend).
Students please follow these steps:
- Read your enrollment form, direct any questions to your counselor.
- Sign and date enrollment form in appropriate space provided.
- Ask your parent or guardian to read, sign and date in appropriate space provided.
- Return enrollment form to your counselor. Your counselor will give you a copy of the enrollment form for your information.
- You and your parent then come to Anderson Adult School for an enrollment appointment.
20111 Olinda Road
- Return with completed assignments to the Adult School each week on your appointment day and time to test and pick up a new assignment until your needed credits are completed.
Parents please follow these steps:
- Read the enrollment form, direct any questions to your student’s counselor.
- Sign and date enrollment form in the appropriate space provided.
- Please direct your student to return the enrollment form to their counselor.
- With your student, come to the Adult School for an enrollment appointment.
2011 Olinda Road
- Please attend the enrollment appointment with your student. You will have an opportunity to ask questions of the Adult Education Staff.